Office of the Pacific
Pacific Engagement
Cairns stands at the geographic nexus of Australia’s multilateral engagement with the Pacific in a rapidly changing geopolitical environment. Australia’s engagement with our near neighbours has deepened significantly in recent times, building understanding of the increased capacity of Far North Queensland, the nation’s northern gateway, to play a greater role in enhancing and building our strategic and people-to-people ties with the Pacific. Cairns has the geographic adjacency, structures, business, defence, capacity building, education and cultural ties, and relationships to become the operational base to deliver many of the programs related to our nation’s Pacific engagement.
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National Land Transport Network
Improved connectivity between Cairns and the region’s agricultural production hubs on the Atherton Tablelands.
Savannah Way (Gulf Section)
Improved safety and resilience, and regional connectivity particularly in isolated
and remote communities.
Kennedy Developmental Road
Reduces freight costs between FNQ and southern market, supporting the sustainability of primary production in northern Australia.